July 26, 2017

Above: A view on the Pont Royal by Musée d'Orsay on the left, along the Seine River.

1 statues on top of the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel.

2 statue of an elephant in front of the Musée d'Orsay, not sure why.

3 is the first floor of Musée d'Orsay.

4 is "Young Woman Sewing in the Garden" by Mary Cassatt, 1880-1882.

5 and 6 of two of three paintings by Pierre-Auguste Renoir in a series featuring a man and a woman dancing. 4 is "Country Dance", 1883, and features Renoir's
friend Paul Lhôte and Aline Charigot, who later became his wife. 5 is "City Dance", 1883, and features model and artist Suzanne Valadon and Paul Lhôte.

7 is "Julie Manet" by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1887, the daughter of painted Édouard Manet.

8 is "Dance Class" by Edgar Degas, 1873-1876.

9 is "The Dancer with a Bouquet" by Edgar Degas, 1878.

10 and 11 show the view of the museum from the 5th floor, and the original clock in the train station by Victor Laloux.

12 shows the southern central face of the church and its rose window.

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